Launch Event


Discover our webcast for the launch of the GOOD MOVE campaign:
We invited a number of experts to discuss the consumption of fruit and vegetables by our target group aged 18-34, and the regular practice of sport. We discuss today’s challenges, practical advice to apply on a daily basis, the obstacles and levers to their consumption of fruit and vegetables, and try to understand what motivates them to change their habits… so many topics that will help spread the program’s ambition throughout Europe to a target group of professionals, and ultimately raise public awareness of the need to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Mathieu Jouys,

Dietician Nutritionist, Paris

French Athletics Federation – French Team Performance Optimization Unit.
Director of the Institut Supérieur de l’Alimentation – Attached to Hôpital de la PITIE – SALPETRIERE APHP since 1998.
Nutritional dietician at the Ecole du Ballet de l’Opéra National de PARIS from 2004 to 2018.

Sandrine Monnery Patris,

Researcher at CSGA, INRAE Dijon, France

Specializing in child development and eating behaviors (Cognitive and Developmental Psychology).
Faced with the new challenges of food (health, equity, sustainability), her research aims to understand the sensory, cognitive and social determinants of eating behavior from childhood onwards. It aims to understand and act on the determinants of consumption, and the mechanisms of acquisition, resilience and alteration of eating habits, by developing novel interventions based on sensory, commensal and symbolic pleasure, to support eaters in making more virtuous choices for health and the environment. These studies integrate the study of ‘new’ behaviours in relation to societal evolutions in order to improve, in an inclusive and dignified way, the health and well-being of all eaters for a healthier, more sustainable diet, a source of pleasure and solidarity.

David Thivel,

Professor at the University of Clermont-Auvergne, France

David Thivel holds a PhD in exercise physiology and human nutrition (INRAE and Université Blaise Pascal, France). He also held two post-doctoral positions at the New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (Columbia University, USA) and the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (Ottawa, Canada).
David’s work focuses on metabolic, energy and nutritional adaptations to daily activities and on exercise- and diet-induced energy deficits, particularly in pediatric obesity. David currently heads the AME2P research laboratory (Université Clermont Auvergne) and is President of the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG).

Vicky Drapeau,

Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at University of Laval, Canada

Vicky Drapeau holds a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and a doctorate in kinesiology from Université Laval. Her research focuses on eating behaviours, appetite control and interventions to promote healthy eating habits, metabolic health and weight management. She has also been practicing clinically as a dietitian-nutritionist for over 25 years, working with a wide range of clients.