GOOD MOVE from Europe,
Snack some good habits !

GOOD MOVE, a campaign that gets 18-34 year-olds moving!

Supported by Aprifel, Fruit union, Ailimpo

Health is at the heart of the concerns of Generation Z and millennials. They are increasingly aware that a more balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential pillars of well-being. But the figures speak for themselves, and too few of them still practice healthy habits in their daily lives. APRIFEL (France),FRUIT UNION (Poland) and AILIMPO (Spain) with the help of the European Union, have joined forces to remedy this situation.

The main aim of the “GOOD MOVE” program is to increase the share of fresh fruits and vegetables in the consumption habits of 18-34 year-olds in Europe, while making them more active and less sedentary. Our program is based on the theory of small steps: each small advance is important and valued, and the step should not be too high to take, at the risk of discouraging our target. We base our program on Prochaska and Di Clemente’s (1982) model, which explains that behavior change goes through several stages. We will adapt our actions to our target’s different stages of motivation.

“GOOD MOVE” is not an injunction, it’s about making your own choices. The baseline is all about self-improvement, not perfection. It’s an invitation to a better way, not a perfect way, a journey to be a better self, because every step matters.

It’s ok to snack or chill, as long as you snack some good habits.


Discover the launch event


Discover our entities

We are all committed to implementing initiatives in our three countries to support this ambition, in line with the European vision, particularly Regulation 1924/2006 on the use of nutritional and health claims for the general public, as well as national recommendations.

  • France

    Supported by Aprifel, Professional Agency for fruit and vegetable research and information, whose main mission is to analyze and communicate knowledge on the links between fruit and vegetables and health, food safety and sustainability.

  • Poland

    Supported by Fruit Union, the association of Polish fruit and vegetable distributors

  • Spain

    Supported by Ailimpo,Spanish Lemon and Grapefruit Interbranch Organisation